Friday, February 16, 2007

Nas on Letterman

My dear friend Al sent me a link to the video he posted up of Nas's performance of "Can't Forget About You" on Letterman last night. Thanks Al! Esco kills it and Crissette is her usual lucsious self. Gosh I hope we see LOTS more of her in the coming year.

Notes on the fashion: check on Nas's very slim-cut denim, which he brings back to the hood with a pair of wheat timbs. The jeans make me feel like wifey must have had a part in styling him. And then there's Crissette's super hot leather dress. The girl is always sexy, but she took it up a notch in this outfit.


Anonymous said...

Fellow readers, doncha hate it when you click on a really cool link, only to have your X-Mas like anticipation dosed by the uber Grinich, who takes waaay too much joy in wielding the cyber axe !?

I feel you pain.

Luckily, Nas’ kickass clip was placed under cheerier trees, and with near perfect clarity !!

Merry Effffen Lenten, You"rotten egg"tube!!

--->> Click Here <<---

Anonymous said...



Youtube left the original clip alone.

well, it doesn't hurt to have a back-up.